How It Works:
Members of your organization save their CENTRAL MARKET register receipts with a WE CARE sticker affixed. They turn the receipts in to your organization. Your representative turns the receipts in to CENTRAL MARKET. Your organization receives a 0.5% rebate from CENTRAL MARKET for the total receipts that are submitted. The more members of your organization participating, the greater your check will be!
Collection baskets or boxes make it easy for members of your organization to turn in receipts and serve as a helpful reminder for them. A note in your newsletter will help members remember to bring in receipts to your organization. Let me know if we can do anything to help your organization get the program up and running.
Your organization should be registered for the WE CARE program with CENTRAL MARKET. A representative of your organization can do this by stopping in at the store and picking up an enrollment form, downloading a form from the link below, or if you prefer, we can mail one to you.
The guidelines for submission of receipts are:
1. All receipts should be sorted and neatly grouped.
2. Fold receipts so they are 8-9" long
3. Lay receipts flat
4. Add receipts using the subtotal amount listed just above the sales tax
5. Attach the adding machine tape or computer print out to the receipts (groups of $500 to $1000 seem to be easy to handle.) Receipts added without an adding tape or computerized print out will be returned for proper processing.
6. Add all groups to get a grand total amount
7. Print full name of organization, and address to send check on the adding machine tape
8. All receipts should be in one package/envelope/bag if possible
9. Receipts cannot be over one year old from month in which they are turned in
10. Tobacco, liquor, postage, money orders, lottery or any other Courtesy Counter services are not eligible for the We Care program.
Checks are issued at the end of each quarter and will be mailed. Please turn in any receipts to be paid, by at least the 21st of March, June, September and December. Any receipts turned in after the 21st of these months will be issued on the next quarter. Good Luck and Thank You for participating in the WE CARE program!